Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What Will I Do as a Missionary in Peru?

Yesterday, my MTC tutor gave me the assignment of writing down what I will do in Peru, using Spanish verbs in future tense. Here's the list I wrote, followed by an English translation of the list.

  1. En primer lugar, seré representante del Señor Jesucristo en llevar a cabo la obra del evangelio en la misión Perú Lima Este.
  2. Lo que querré hacer más que nada será predicar el evangelio a fin de invitar a personas a venir a Cristo.
  3. Aceptaré cualquier asignación o tarea que me dé el presidente de la misión.
  4. Tocaré el piano en las reuniones donde no hay otra persona que lo haga, por ejemplo, en las reuniones del sacerdocio. No tocaré el piano en las reuniones sacramentales porque estará my esposa, quien toca mucho mejor que yo.
  5. Daré discursos en reuniones y conferencias, cuando se me asignen.
  6. Apoyaré a los miembros y líderes de los barrios y estacas cuando sea posible. Procuraré alentar a los miembros por medio del ejemplo y las conversaciones edificantes. Procuraré apoyar a los líderes por cumplir asignaciones y por la enseñanza de principios de liderazgo.
  7. Habiendo experimentado muchas oportunidades de enseñar el evangelio en mis barrios de la iglesia y en la Universidad de Brigham Young (Relg 324–325, Doctrina y Convenios), enseñaré la doctrina contenida en las escrituras cuando se me dé la oportunidad en el Perú.
  8. Continuaré estudiando el evangelio y el castellano.
  9. Trataré de hablar castellano con me compañera todo lo posible, de acuerdo con la petición de mi esposa. (Es la idea de ella.)
  10. Oraré y ayunaré para recibir los dones del Espíritu necesarios para ser un instrumento eficaz en las manos del Señor. Alma 17:3. “Mas esto no es todo; se habían dedicado a mucha oración y ayuno; por tanto, tenían el espíritu de profecía y el espíritu de revelación, y cuando enseñaban, lo hacían con poder y autoridad de Dios.”

English translation:

  1. First and foremost, I will be a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ in carrying out the work of the gospel in the Peru Lima East Mission.
  2. What I will want to do more than anything will be to preach the gospel in order to invite people to come unto Christ.
  3. I will accept whatever assignment or task that my mission president gives me.
  4. I will play the piano in the meetings where there isn't anyone else who can play, for example, in priesthood meetings. I won't play the piano in sacrament meetings because my wife will be there and she plays much better than I do.
  5. I will give talks in meetings and at conferences, when I am assigned to do so.
  6. I will support the members and leaders of the wards and stakes whenever possible. I will try to support the members through example and uplifting conversations.
  7. Having had many opportunities to teach the gospel in my wards of the church and at BYU (Relg 324-325, Doctrine and Covenants), I will teach the doctrine contained in the scriptures when I am given the opportunity in Peru.
  8. I will continue studying the gospel and Spanish.
  9. I will try to speak Spanish with my companion (wife) whenever possible, according to her request. (This was her idea.)
  10. I will pray and fast to receive the gifts of the Spirit necessary to be an effective instrument in the hands of the Lord. Alma 17:3: "But this is not all; they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore, they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with the power and authority of God."


Andrea said...

You forgot the part of you regularly updating your blog so that you can keep in touch with your family!

Sharon said...

Hey Andrea...That was cute.

Your Dad also didn't mention "do the laundry" but I'm pretty sure he'll do both! :-)

He's is one pretty adept guy!

Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I found your blog while Googling the Lima Peru MTC. Your posts are informative and concise. We have a close family friend embarking on his mission call to the Bolivia Santa Cruz mission in six weeks, and reading about you and your wife's Spanish language "induction" is so very interesting!

Best regards to you both!