Here are some of the teenagers in Tarma who meet on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday nights to learn to play the piano. Hopefully, they will be able to accompany hymns in their branches.
On Saturday mornings we travel to La Aroya (an hour away) where Beverly is teaching these people how to play the piano.
On Saturday afternoons, we travel to Junin (an hour from La Aroya) where five children are learning to play the piano. The man in this picture is our nonmember taxi driver who actually sat through the first lesson while he waited for us. He is such a kind man; we are trying to interest him in the church.
This is Freddy. He was eagerly awaiting our arrival at the church in Junin. Then he called his two friends on the phone so that they would come. Freddy is smart and talented.
This is my favorite thing to see! On my mission--the one thing many of the Latino Saints were missing was music training. In most of the wards I served in, they would bring in some "Gringos" from other wards in the stake to take care of the music. What a blessing Sister Zimmerman is to the people of Peru!!!!
Mom had 7 children, and she had to go to Peru to find young kids interested in learning music. :)
Bev...this is just wonderful!! That there is this much interest is amazing. Keep up the good work:-)
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