So as we approached the town of Izcuchaca (between Huancayo and Huancavelica), we came upon this group of cars, trucks and busses (about 8 in all) backed up along the highway. A huaico had just occurred:

People were standing around this appropriate warning sign--falling rocks:

An enterprising woman from Izcuchaca was selling goodies to the stranded travelers:

Heavy equipment had to be brought in to move the rocks and earth, which had tumbled down the mountain covering the highway, and spilling into the river:

After a 90-minute wait, we were able to pass across the landslide by driving on a temporary path that had been built over the dirt:

Such is life in the High Andes.
Seeing that line of vehicles and not knowing when we were going to move forward brought back a lot of memories.
Wow, what a mess!
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