About once every six years, at elevations about 13,000 feet, it snows at the beginning of summer because the temperatures start to drop before the rain goes away. And that's what happened this year.
So, on our Saturday drive over the 13,500-foot pass, we found snow and fog:
The town of Huacapo received a few inches of the white stuff:
Some of the lower hills also got a dusting of snow:
This rare snow storm actually signaled the end of winter (the rainy season) and the start of summer (the dry, cold season). We're getting less rain and our nights are getting very cold.
In your pictures, everyone is always wearing coats. And now you're entering into the cold season? That doesn't sound like fun.
Also, it seems like at 13,000 feet it should snow more than once every six years. I guess Peru is just too close to the equator?
Hey...now when are we coming - summer or winter...or does it make any difference in what we bring to wear? I think Russ has a point here:-)
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