Our landlady's clothesline is in the foreground, where she is drying corn; our clothesline is in the background, where we are drying Scott's shirts. The picture shows some of our cultural differences.
On the outskirts of town, Scott took this picture. The rainy season is finally coming to an end, the hills are turning brown, and the sky is clearing.
Scott has taken over a thousand pictures from the back seat of our driver's car, but this is the first picture he has taken of the view we see most: the back head of our driver, José Quinto. Today, during our trip back from La Oroya and Junín, Scott taught José the fifth and final missionary lesson on Laws and Ordinances. José accepted it all, and was excited with the idea that he would receive the priesthood after he is baptized.
We pass these interesting homes by a trout farm every Saturday on our trip between Tarma and La Oroya. Finally today we had José stop so Scott could take pictures. The green pipe in the background is the water supply for the city of La Oroya. The thatched roofs are rare in our part of Peru.
As usual, today we got to Junín half an hour before our classes were supposed to start, so while we were waiting for our students to arrive, Scott walked to a little plaza on the south end of town, and found this interesting Catholic church.
Across from the church was a park. Like many parks in small-town Peru, the view is marred by tall cell-phone towers.
Still wandering around Junín, Scott was curious about what was on the other side of a fence that was too tall for him to see over. So he lifted his camera above the fence and took this picture sight-unseen. Not totally uninteresting. It shows that this land, at 13,500 feet above sea level, is indeed rocky.
Peruvians love to raise and eat "cuy" (guinea pig), but they normally keep them in cages. These two little guinea pigs evidently were running free, because they came out of the gate to their yard to feast on the green grass growing by a tiny stream.
We hope you found these random pictures to be interesting.
Fascinating random pictures! It would be hard NOT to enjoy your photography of just about anything!
Great pictures, as usual. So wonderful to hear about your driver's excitement about the gospel!
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